Subject: Re: Installer docs?
To: Ian Goldby <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/25/2001 21:17:01
Ian Goldby wrote:
> Where could I find more information about the Installer?
> More specifically, I want to know if I can use it to copy files from
> the Mac HFS partition to the NetBSD partition. For example, I have
> Xmac68k_color.tar.gz sitting on my HFS partition - can I use the
> Installer to lob it over the wall to NetBSD?
As a matter of fact, you can, and as long as you haven't used the
minishell to change the default directory from the root, it will go to
the right place (/usr/X11R6/bin/X and /usr/X11R6/bin/Xmac68k).
> If so, how do I control
> what directory it lands in? What about files that aren't tarred or
> zipped?
You can use the "cpin" command from the Installers' minishell. The
minishell has "cd" and "ls" to help you set the destination directory --
for the source, you use MPW-style colon-delimited directories. The
easiest way to deal with that is to have the files you want to copy in
the same directory as the Installer. Then you can do "cpin _filename_
_filename_", without worrying about the Mac OS paths.