Subject: Re: Macintosh IIsi
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/06/2001 18:07:45
In a message dated 3/6/01 6:05:25 PM, writes:

<< Er, my bad!  I'm not sure where AOL-Mac keeps those kinds of settings.
However, probe around and see if you can find them.  There may be a special
Mac-only menu at the top of the AOL window that has "Internet Settings..."
or "Browser Settings..." or something like that.

In the worst case, go to one of the AOL tech support chat rooms, or send an
e-mail to the AOL customer support asking why you can't get to FTP locations
(including any error messages pop up when you try). >>

Well, wherever they keep them, they are very cleverly hidden!  I was hoping 
for a menu or something like that, but I haven't found one.  I think I'm 
going to try an AOL tech support chat room... Thanks for all your help!