Subject: Re: Kernel without debugger
To: None <>
From: John <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/08/2001 22:20:51
> There used to be a problem in the mac68k port where kernel size would
> trigger a problem like this.  I haven't seen it reported since the days
> of 1.3.2 though and I thought it had been fixed, but it sounds like you
> guys have somehow managed to trigger it again.
> You might try adding or removing other kernel options and see what
> happens.

I'll give that a try, but for reference here are my kernel sizes (which
don't seem right no matter):

netbsd (generic): 2,311,429 (1.5, I think)
netbsd (1.5.1_ALPHA, with SCSI fixes): 2,240,042
netbsd (1.5.1_BETA, same as ALPHA kernel file): 3,160,603

WHat could have possibly made the size jump from 2.2 megs to 3.1? I used
the same kernel config file...

John Klos