Subject: Re: OT LInus torvalds, was: Re: IIfx and Quadra950
To: None <>
From: Lloyd I Freese Jr <dwarf@Op.Net>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/09/2001 13:47:48
You don't like something that Linus said (and he was misquoted from 
what I understand) fine. Don't use Linux if you feel that strongly, 
no one is going to force you.
Personally, I don't see why Linux the OS should be judged by what 
Linus the programmer said. I think Steve Jobs is a nut case and too 
full of himself but I still use and like MacOS. I'm sure that one of 
the heads of the NetBSD team has done something I might not agree 
with but I'm still here.
Please, if you have an issue with Linus and/or his OS them take it up 
with him. If you need help with NetBSD stick around. Fighting over 
OS's is useless.

>just a flash about it then I will stop tyhe thread, i would be more happy to
>have my Quadra running BSD than nowing something about linus brains. (btw,
>no one gave me clues about running BSD on those machines and yes i am quite
>sure that Linux68k made progress. Unfortunately myself am still at the
>beginning of programming (but i will better, i promise).
>Linus Torvalds criticized OS X very hard, and Darwin OS underneath. In fact
>he attacked sharp the Mach kernel, saying it is a bloated piece of crap
>which throws away performance.
>AFAIK Mach 3 is a good thing. I also used MkLinux (if Linus just remebered
>that one...) which is OK as well as MachTen. One of the bes OS's ever was
>NeXT and it had Mach2.5 and OS/2 too.
>What gains a double-lernel system can give I don't know. I read sadly that
>it looses up to 20% performance (that was for MkLinux)
>SO I don't know, but surely he was stupidly biased.
>on 5/9/01 1:36 AM, Cameron Kaiser at wrote:
>>>  how is the situation with Mac IIfx and the Quadra 950 ? i have both sitting
>>>  in an angle there.
>>>  I know the IIfx is working with Linux because i had it, but i 
>>>found BSD more
>>>  efficient than linux (and besides Linus Torvalds said OS X is shit) so i
>>>  preferred the former if possible.
>>  If Linus said that, he's either uninformed, jealous, stupid or all three.
>>  OS X is the first Unix that works as well for a total computer neophyte as
>>  it does for a geek like myself. I use it in my office, and if it were a
>>  bit more stable on Sonnet G3 OldWorld Macs, I'd be using it at home.
>>  Sorry for the OT.



"Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education."
-- Bertrand Russell