Subject: Re: still borken
To: R=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=e9mi_Zara?= <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/09/2001 07:56:27
On 10/9/01 1:55 AM, R=E9mi Zara ( wrote:
>Le mardi 9 octobre 2001, =E0 02:39, Bob Nestor a =E9crit :
>> One thing that seems to have changed is the GENERIC SCSI driver. After
>> installing your last snapshot I noticed the system panics when I do a
>> "shutdown -r now". I've never had that problem before on this system.
>> Tried doing a test with a lot of disk I/O to see if the system crashes
>> under load but it doesn't; just while shutting down.
>> -bob
>Is this related to PR#13334 ?
>( for a
>In the PR Manuel Bouyer says that the nrscsi driver does not seem to
>execute commands in polling mode.
Yeah, that's it. I haven't updated my 68k system in some time so this
came as a surprise to me.