Subject: Re: latest netatalk (was Re: Netatalk AFP performance?)
To: Joe Laffey <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/26/2001 09:21:50
At 14:21 Uhr -0500 25.10.2001, Joe Laffey wrote:
>Autoconf is a great system that works fine on the BSD OSes.
As long as it works. When it comes broken, it's a nightmare to see through
and fix. Even imake work is nicer.
>If they have
>broken it on OSes other Linux I doubt it has to do with Autoconf/Automake,
>so much as their implementation.
It has to do with adding an additional level of complexity, and with
needlessly replacing Makefiles that worked - change for change's sake.
"Those who are willing to sacrifice essential liberties for
a little order will lose both and deserve neither."
Benjamin Franklin