Subject: Re: Newbie questions, Networking and Packages
To: Todd McDaniel <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/01/2001 17:32:44
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On Thu, Nov 01, 2001 at 10:15:52AM -0500, Todd McDaniel wrote:
> Hi. I just bought a Quadra 800 for NetBSD use and I've run into a=20
> couple roadblocks.
Hrm. I think I have one of those somewhere around here...
How much did you pay? (That's a quality aging machine. Hopefully,
you made off with it for less than it ought to be worth. :^>)
> 1. There are no packages for mac68K listed in the=20
> <> directory.=20
> However, the 1.5 directory is fully populated. Is it proper to use=20
> those packages?
If you'd rather, though, download pkgsrc
(, maybe?) and build locally.
(This won't exactly be *fast* on a 68k mind you, especially with its
aging SCSI hardware.)
> 2. Is this <>=20
> still the current way to setup networking on a machine running 1.5.2?=20
> I've followed the directions, but I can't seem to see the outside. I=20
> can ping the box from the outside, but can't FTP out. Any suggestions?
It would be necessary to know a little more about your networking
situation in order to decipher what's wrong here.
Can you ping from the inside outside? Is there a firewall between
your machine and the outside world? Is it proxying ftp? Are you
insisting on active ftp or accepting passive?
~ g r @
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