Subject: Re: 840 AV
To: Dan Smith <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/12/2001 01:18:03
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On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 06:46:13PM -0800, Dan Smith wrote:
> Anyone have an opinion on how good or bad an 840AV would be as a NetBS
> machine?
I used one for quite a while, though it's now living at Allen
Briggs's house so he can work on DMA support, which he's doing
because disk access on these machines as it is (sans use of hardware
DMA) is pig slow. (Wasabi seems to be keeping him busy on other
projects, though...)
If you're not too concerned about that (or have some way to get to
disk that's not on the built-in SCSI controller... are there nubus
SCSI controllers which we support?), then the machine itself works
fine. (It'd work as a router, provided you didn't want to log
packets too frequently or were willing to do it over NFS.)
Or, you could take a whack at helping out Allen on the DMA front.
He'll probably have something to say about this.
> I currently run NetBSD on a LC475 with a real 040 and it's great
> and all, but I'd like more than one ethernet port and this 840 came my way
> free of charge.
No real reason not to use it, but stuff that does disk I/O is liable
to be slower than it is on your 475.
~ g r @
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