Subject: Re: Netatalk and Long Filenames
To: Kadari Mayson <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/19/2001 15:37:09
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On Mon, Nov 19, 2001 at 02:06:28PM -0500, Kadari Mayson wrote:
> Yes it is. Mac OS X.1 comes with a built-in SMB client, and you can upgr=
> to a professional level client/server solution for X.1 with DAVE 3.1. Th=
> is also DAVE 3.1 for OS 9 as well as DoubleTalk 1.x. There are other
> SMB/CIFS solutions for X.1: Sharity which is shareware and SAMBA (use
> smbmount) which is GPL. I use DAVE 3.1, it's fast, has a great GUI, and
> exports long filenames as well as an easy to configure server.
Hrm. Doesn't strike me that forcing people into buying a commercial
product on their client end is a correct solution within an open
source environment.
The fact is that Netatalk could be doing a more right thing than it
is, by truncating the names or at least by logging a message on the
server when a client tries to list a directory which contains file
names they won't be able to get. Failing silently is clearly wrong.
(This problem drove me up the wall around this time last year, and I
still think it's ridiculous that Netatalk does nothing to let you
know that there's a problem.)
~ g r @
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