Subject: Re: pppd answer dial in calls
To: Donald Lee <>
From: Bruce Anderson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/19/2001 17:28:41
On Mon, Nov 19, 2001 1:20 AM, Donald Lee <>
>>Add to: /etc/ppp/peers/answer
>> modem                          # use full modem control
>> cdtrcts                        # use hardware flow control on Mac's
>Three things:
>1. "modem" doesn't work on macs.  this option mostly causes pppd
>to pay attention to the CD line on the serial port.  The DIN-8 connector
>on Macs does not connect CD.  If you try to use it, you'll get
>flaky stuff to happen, or it won't work.  I don't remember.

1) In my experience ( IIci NetBSD-1.3) modem does work.
I have never included  modem  without  cdtrcts  and
I have no flaky stuff to report.

2) CD is connected on most Macs that run NetBSD.

RS-422 mini-circular 8 pin connectors:
Pin - Signal
  7 -  GPi   (General-Purpose input); connected to SCC Data
    Carrier Detect (or to Receive/Transmit Clock if the VIA1
    SYNC signal is high). Not connected on the Macintosh Plus,
    Classic, Classic II, LC, LC II, or IIsi.

The two serial ports used on Macintosh computers since the Macintosh
Plus are
       RS-422 mini-circular 8 pin connectors:
       Pin Signal
       1 - HSKo (Data Terminal Ready)
       2 - HSKi (Clear To Send)
       3 - TxD- (Transmit Data -)
       4 - GND (Ground)
       5 - RxD- (Receive Data -)
       6 - TxD+ (Transmit Data +)
       7 - GPi (General-Purpose input); connected to SCC Data Carrier
       		 Detect (or to Receive/Transmit Clock if the VIA1 SYNC signal
       		 is high). Not connected on the Macintosh Plus, Classic,
       		 Classic II, LC, LC II, or IIsi.
       8 - RxD+ (Receive Data +)  The space is between pin 4 and 5

The following are the GeoPort Telecom Adapter Mini-DIN 9 pin 
 (where they differ from Mini-DIN 8 pin )
Standard GeoPort   DMA GeoPort       Non-DMA
      Definition    Definition    Definition
       7  GPi(A)   WAKEUP/TxHS        Unused
       9  +5 VDC      DC Power      DC Power

" Stamp out root logins .  .  .  . su "   --Bruce Anderson  
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