Subject: Re: NFS Setup
To: Brian Heath <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/20/2001 23:48:45
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On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 11:35:19PM -0500, Brian Heath wrote:
> 1) Add some lines to the /etc/exports file.
You might want to look at using /etc/netgroup. (It'll make
/etc/exports look a little cleaner.)
> 2) Run rpcbind
> 3) Run mountd
> 4) Run nfsd -tun 4
Sure, but setting nfs_server=3DYES in /etc/rc.conf will make your life
easier in the long run. And you can just do /etc/rc.d/{rpcbind,nfsd,mountd}
start, provided you've made that setting in /etc/rc.conf already.
(If you haven't changed the setting, the rc scripts will refuse to
start the daemons.)
> Am I missing something, am I doing things out of order? Are there other=
> files I need to setup? Or is there something that needs to be in my=20
> rc.conf file? I saw something in all the searching I've been doing about=
> running portmap. But I don't have any portmap on my machine. Is that a=20
> problem?
You read an out of date reference. We don't do portmap any more.
(Don't recall exactly when that went away.) mountd takes care of
the RPC business business these days. (Erm, somebody correct me if
I'm blatantly wrong here...)
> P.S. I'm running NetBSD 1.5.2 with the Generic kernel and trying to=20
> connect to it from a Mac OS X machine.
Should work fine, I've spun out /mp3 on my 1.5.2 macppc machine to
a friend's Mac OS X machine similarly.
What you have to do on the Mac OS X end is a separate issue. Use the
(NeXTStep-derived, so if it really raises your hackles email me and
I'll play with the one on my turbocube, which I've been meaning to
do anyhow) NFS Manager to set that up.
> Man I hate being clueless!
You're doing fine so far. :^>
~ g r @
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