Subject: Re: using 1.5.0 packages with custom 1.5.2 kernel?
To: Stefan Jeglinski <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/21/2001 14:01:58
At 12:10 PM -0500 11/21/01, Stefan Jeglinski wrote:
>From the beginning of November, Matthew wrote:
>>1. There are no packages for mac68K listed in the
>><> directory.
>>However, the 1.5 directory is fully populated. Is it proper to use
>>those packages?
>Yep, no problems at all. NetBSD works with all the old packages. You
>can remove this feature when you compile a custom kernel, but for
>the one you're using, they'll work wonderfully.
>I'm not clear on this meaning. I just installed 1.5.2 on a cx and
>was planning to install binaries from the 1.5.0 directory instead of
>rebuilding from source. But this seems to say if I compile the
>kernel myself, I can't use 1.5.0 binaries?
No, you can compile a kernel yourself and still use those packages.
Likely, what he was referring to was the options COMPAT_xx options in
the kernel config file. These actually only deal with major versions
of NetBSD, so there is no COMPAT_151...the latest is COMPAT_14 for
NetBSD-1.4.x binary compatibility.
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