Subject: LCIII recommendations
To: Mac 68k NetBSD <>
From: Mark Benson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/29/2001 09:42:32
I'm trying to get hold of a Mac LC (I'm bidding on an LCIII, it's=20
at =A33.00) cheap to act as a DNS  for my network (2 Macs & 1 PC) and=20
am planning to install NetBSD on it. I deliberately went for an LC=20
as they are small and easy to find. | have a 2.1GB SCSI drive ready=20
to hang on the machine when I get it and will put BSD on that.

Anyone got any tips?


Mark Benson

aka =09
	SiliconValleyPirate (EveryMac)
	Kane_NUFC (Yahoo! Messenger)
	SilValleyPirate (AOL Instant Messenger)
	AirportMan (ICQ - 70745942)

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'Starting a company didn't mean that much to me. I can design=20
computers. I know I can.'
	- Steve Wozniak