Subject: Re: Info Sources for sysinst/68k?
To: NetBSD/mac68k <>
From: Iggy Drougge <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/29/2001 15:33:06
Eric J. Feldhusen skrev:
>Following the installation notes, I wasn't able to get 1.5.2 installed using
>sysinst on a dedicated external hd, which I figured would make it easier,
>regarding partitions. I'd like to get a big 18GB or 36GB scsi drive for
>storage and serving, and from what I've read, doing partitioning with sysinst
>is the best way.
I installed my LC475 (with replacement 040) using Sysinst, worked fine. I
never considered any other options, since Sysinst is what you get on any other
port I've installed (amiga, hp300, i386, pmax).
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
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