Subject: Re: filesystem kernal panic in 1.5.2 on Quadra 950
To: Byan, Stephen <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/30/2001 17:09:49
> My stock netbsd-1.5.2 kernel running on a Quadra 950 paniced in the file
> system last night shortly after I backed-up a gigabyte or so from my
> powerbook via a Finder-copy over netatalk. The panic was along the lines of
> "invalid directory inode entry XXXXXXXX offset 0", along with some message
> about being in find, and in directory /home (which, BTW, is on a different
> file system and disk than the shared AFP directories).
> 1) is this a well-known bug? If not, then
One important question: are you using softdeps?
John klos