Subject: Easy to follow NAMED & SSHD....
To: Mac 68k NetBSD <>
From: Mark Benson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/30/2001 00:37:49
Anyone know a nice, easy to follow How To for setting up Named? 
Ditto for SSHD?

Here's my current problems.


I have no named.conf file and it needs one to run (understandable). 
I can't make head nor tail of MAN files for either daemon - I never 
have been able to extract the right info from the bloody things. I 
need a 'default' settings file for named and info on how to set up 
a DNS list.


I have an SSHd.conf in place and it looks identical to the OS X 
version, sshd_config (I guess there's a good reason for that ;) ). 
However, when I start it it complains of having 'no host keys 
available - exiting' twice. It can't find /etc/ssh_host_key and 
/etc/ssh_host_dsa_key. The reason being that they don't exist. Is 
there a way to first time generate these keys?

I'll get the hang of this one day I swear :).....


Mark Benson

	SiliconValleyPirate (EveryMac)
	Kane_NUFC (Yahoo! Messenger)
	SilValleyPirate (AOL Instant Messenger)
	AirportMan (ICQ - 70745942)

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