Subject: Re: New snapshot
To: None <>
From: Takeshi Shibagaki <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/12/2002 16:18:26
Hi, Steve-san
>>>>> On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 22:07:13 -0800, (Space Case) said:
>> This is not better because mac68k port is still a.out. In detail, see man mdsetimage.
Space> Well, we could view it as a nudge to go ELF... ;-)
OK, if it is, there is no problem.
Space> Hangup is a (written) procedure to convert from a.out to ELF?
No, it has almost been complete. if I get an account, I want to begin
converting immediatelly. But there is no answer from
Takeshi Shibagaki