Subject: Re: How to setup FTP-access?
To: Pieter Coolsma <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/20/2002 13:41:58
> I am trying to setup my Quadra 700 as a webserver. Apache is running
> smoothly including PHP. But I don't get FTP-access running.
> I am able to connect using my user-account. I can browse the
> directories, but I can't create directories or files. It says I have no
> permission. I have setup my user-account so it can be root. Using Telnet
> I can control my Quadra 700 all the way!
Try man ftpd and man ftpd.conf - they have all the information you need to
set up an ftp user, create a home for the ftp user, and how to set up all
the files needed for the little chrooted environment used to keep
anonymous ftp secure.
John Klos