Subject: Re: Portrait mono display
To: NetBSD/mac68k <>
From: Iggy Drougge <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/06/2002 23:49:00
Hauke Fath skrev:
>At 15:27 Uhr +0100 6.3.2002, Iggy Drougge wrote:
>>> Why shouldn't it? I don't know about 4 bit greyscale, though. You probably
>>> have to have 2 MBytes VRAM in the box or live with 1 bit b/w.
>>If X needs 2 MB of VRAM for a 600x800 (approximatively) 4-bit screen,
>>something is seriously wrong.
>X11 uses the same memory map as MacOS, but does not support 2/4 bit depth.
Any reason why not, save documentation?
>I may have remembered this wrong. I got a Radius Full Page monitor for home
>use shortly before they cancelled the model, and that was more or less the
>last of the breed (late '95). It is the screen I'm sitting in front of now.
BTW, does anyone have the pinout for Sigma Design's Pageview monitors? They
use a D9 connector at the monitor.
>Back then, I had it hanging off a Micron Xceed card with half a meg VRAM
>which gave me 640x870x4. So, for 8 bit depth with a portrait screen, one
>meg will probably be enough. Even 1152x870x8 would fit in there, but,
>according to some Apple technote, they required 2 MBytes for performance
>reasons (memory layout). I've got a Q700 with that configuration hanging
>off a DEC VT19-HA.
A DEC fix-frequency screen? Is the card (is X?) programmable enough to support
it, or does its preferred frequency just happen to coincide with the VRT19?
>>OTOH, X doesn't support anything but mono on mac68k anyway.
>1 bit, 8 bit greyscale or 16 bit "hi-colour" for the later Quadras.
Really? Is that with the experimental colour server?
>> And beware of the "small" screen size. Whereas it is perfectly
>> workable in MacOS, X, which was designed for 20" screens,
>> will devour it before you can say "xclock".
>I started off with X11 on an SE/30...
Lovely, I'm certain. =)
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--- Daliah Lavi