Subject: Re: DHCP Configuration Problems
To: Gene ENonymous <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/26/2002 23:08:55
On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 05:34:20PM +0000, Gene ENonymous wrote:
> I have attempted to set up a DHCP client to communicate with
> my cable modem service. I have a mac68k box (Centris 650)
> with 40M ram, 2G HD, 1.5.2 binary install and 2 ethernet interfaces.
> DHCP works fine with a Win98 box, so I figured it would be a
> breeze to get it working with NetBSD 1.5.2 (the FAQ says so!).
> Unfortunately, here I am writing to help....
> The first thing I did was to verify that I could configure both
> ethernet interfaces onto my local network. The allowed me to
> test the interface functionality and the cables. THis worked
> fine. THat is I could telnet out to both interfaces and
> telnet in from another win98 box to both IP's.
> (what do I need to turn on in inetd.conf so I am ping-able?)
Nothing, ICMP echo request/reply is a functionality of the kernel.
> My two interfaces are ae0 and sn0. For the verify tests, I used
> two files ifconfig.ae0 and ifconfig.sn0 which specified a
> local IP ( and repectively). Since I wanted
> to let DHCP configure sn0, I removed (renamed, I never delete
> until forced too!) ifconfig.sn0.
> 1) I read the FAQ and searched the last years worth of mail archives
> to get as far as I have.
> 2) The main FAQ just says to turn on dhcpclient in the rc.conf.
> THis assumes that there is a dhclient.conf and a dhclient-script
> in your /etc directory. Mine did *not* (I just downloaded/installed
> my MacBSD from the ftp site - so most of the /etc files came
> from etc.tgz - should the dhclient* files come from a different
> set/archive???)
there is no dhclient.conf by default; for most cases you don't need one.
dhclient-script is in /sbin, not /etc
> 3) I finally downloaded the dhcp distribution from
> (dhcp301rc8) so I could get a dhclient-script (and an example
> dhclient.conf file) for netbsd.
> 4) From some combination of FAQ's and mail archives I arrived at
> this dhclient.conf:
> ## dhclient.conf #####################################################
> Send host-name "";
> send dhcp-client-identifier "";
> # I also tried the sn0 ethernet address as the difference
> # was the domain name that the win98 box showed
> # in the winipcfg diagnostics output.
> request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers,
> domain-name-servers;
> timeout 30;
> retry 60;
> select-timeout 5;
> script "/etc/dhclient-script";
> lease {
> interface "sn0";
> option host-name "";
> option subnet-mask;
> option domain-name "";
> option domain-name-servers;
> renew 2 2000/1/12 00:00:01;
> rebind 2 2000/1/12 00:00:01;
> expire 2 2000/1/12 00:00:01;
> }
> ########################################################################
> The result is:
> a bunch of DHCPDISCOVER messages,
> a no DHCPOFFER received message
> a no valid leases in the database message
> and a sleep message
> with the thing repeatin. And I cannot see or
> get to anything which is out on the net.
> The cable modem shows some activity on the status lights
> (both on the ethernet port and the cable port). The cable
> modem needs to be reset before it will reconnect to my win98
> box. I also reset it and let it register before I start up
> NetBSD.
> Anybody have any hints???
> Suggestions of other things to look at, diagnostic tools to use?
Maybe use tcpdump to see what's going on the wire ?
Manuel Bouyer <>