Subject: Re: wsconsctl doesn't work for me
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: Stefan Witzgall <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/30/2002 06:58:49
Hi Scott,

>Your message was sent to port-mac68k-owner, not the port-mac68k list, so
>your potential audience shrank from hundreds too just one -- me. :-) You
>may wish to re-send your message to the list, as well.

I've done that some days ago, 'cause I felt my mistake with the sympton you

>The unfortunate thing about keymaps is that they need to be compiled
>into the kernel. Only the US mapping is currently available.

That's a clear statement. No one on the list said that so short.

So there is the next challenge: What and where have I to do to get the
German keyboard layout into the kernel? Is there any guide to read about

>Regarding reboots, this is something I took a great deal of time to
>rewrite a couple of years back. I'm rather surprised you're having this
>problem. If possible, could you enter "t" at the debugger prompt and let
>me know what the results are?

Here the problem is that the keyboard is dead is the sense that I only can
reboot the machine with ctrl-cmd-Power. I tried the whole keyboard.

>Finally, if you are having trouble with the distribution sets, it is
>most likely that you're running into a problem with the Installer. I

I left the installer resting where it was and downloaded the concerned sets
myself. That worked. Hm, curious, some sets did fine some caused the
"invalid format" (or so) error message from the installer.

>believe that the sets as distributed work properly, though I'm not
>certain. One thing that I know for sure is that if someone were to
>("helpfully") recompress the distribution sets using "gzip -9", they
>would break the Installer application. The next release of NetBSD should
>address that by eliminating the requirement for a Mac OS-based Installer

A new scenario, but some Mac programs must be involved at some stage I
think. How else should one start? A floppy, a CD-drive. Both is not
available for all users.
Anyway, it sounds interesting.

Thank you for your answer also the request did go to the wrong adress.
