Subject: Re: Still no joy in PowerBook 170-ville...
To: None <>
From: Big Bird <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/07/2002 18:36:05
dakidd <> writes:
< [problems with console driver described]
< I wish I had some idea what I'm up against so I could try fixing the
< problem, but so far, the closest thing I've gotten is that it has something
< to do with the console device. "Big Bird" says that the on-board video may
< not be supported? Yet the page at
< specifically mentions the PB170 as a supported (as of version 1.4) machine.
< So who do I believe?
From the page you mention there is a link `NetBSD/mac68k Supported
hardware'. From there, there is a link `machine-status document'. This
brings us to
which says no video on the PB 1xx machines. This web page is pretty
old. Maybe the link should be removed from the NetBSD/mac68k page?
< Has anybody out there got a PowerBook 170 to actually boot with 1.5 or 1.5.2?
< Guess I'll start the download of the 1.4 base/etc/kern when I hit the sack
< tonight, and try to install that in the morning. If that doesn't work, I
< figure it's a hopeless case. (But darnit, the NetBSD page says 1.5.2
< supports 170s! <grumble>)
I believe in a later message you reported success with 1.4. Maybe
PB 170 video was fixed in 1.4 and broken in 1.5?
Everything I've written on this topic is hearsay, however. One of
these days I'm going to install NetBSD on mt PB550, but for now my
only experience is with desktop Macs.
Mark Geary