Subject: Re: Powerbook 145
To: None <>
From: dakidd <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/01/2002 08:54:22
References: <>
In article
<>, (Frederick Bruckman) wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, liu7 wrote:
> > When trying to boot the powerbook I get very close :/
> > It dies when i get to
> > root file system type: ffs
> > panic: cnopen: cn_tab -> on_dev == NODEV
> >
> > It outputs to the screen fine and even finds the video card. if anyone can
> > help it'd be much appreciated. Thanks
> What version/snapshot? Did you make the devices with a recent 2.0-ish
> Installer? Some of the older Installers failed to make the wscons devices.
> BTW, there seems to be another problem with current and 1.6A on 68020
> and 68030 m68k's. If you run into the same problem that dakidd did
> (FPU faults or illegal instructions), please try this:
Fred (And Brian):
The 145 is interchangable with my 170 in all but two details: processor
speed (the 170 is a tad faster) and FPU presence (170 has one, 145
doesn't unless it's been upgraded)
He's going to have the same troubles I had with the wscons stuff, and
your "rip out the FPU fakery" attempt (which I've got downloading from
the mail-server as I type this - let ya know what happens with it when I
get it down and passed over to the PB) is probably going to fail for him
completely due to the lack of a real FPU in the 145.
Don Bruder - <--- Preferred Email - unmunged
I will choose a path that's clear: I will choose Free Will! - N. Peart