Subject: Re: Toolchain support (was Re: Setting up a network adaptor)
To: None <>
From: Alexander Klein <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/03/2002 10:01:38

At 22:37 Uhr +0200 22.05.2002, Allen Briggs wrote:

>NetBSD will be properly supported in future toolchains.

I'm glad I was wrong. GCC 3.1 now recognizes a 'm68k-unknown-netbsd'
platform, while 2.95.3 recognized 'm68k-apple-netbsd', that's what made me
suspect that they might have dropped m68k altogether, because the latter
matches m68k-apple-*.

>m68k shouldn't be
>a problem.  We're trying to ensure that the toolchain in NetBSD does not
>diverge from the gnu sources.  This was part of the motivation for moving
>to ELF, actually...

Hmmm ... maybe I should consider updating my system in the near future,
shouldn't I?

