Subject: Re: booter freezes on SE/30
To: Jim Balhoff <>
From: Nigel Pearson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/07/2002 09:59:22
> After launching the booter app, I set it to single-user mode
> and chose Boot now... Here is where the trouble begins:
> Here the computer freezes with MacOS still onscreen showing the above
> text in
> the booter window.
Hi Jim.
1) If there is anything connected to the serial ports
(like a LocalTalk device or network), unplug it
2) Similarly, if AppleTalk is on, turn it off
3) If neither of these help, try FTPing a different kernel.
Put it in the same folder as the Booter, and select to boot
from that file under MacOS
4) If none of these work, set the debug level to 1 or 2,
and mail me the boot log
| Nigel Pearson, | "In this city I confess
| Telstra iDevelopments, Sydney Australia | god is mammon, more is less
| Office: 9206 3468 Fax: 9212 6329 | off like lemmings at the gun
| Mobile: 0408 664435 Home: 9792 6998 | I know better, still I run"