Subject: Re: A New Request, LocalTalk
To: Randy Beaudreault <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/12/2002 14:47:27
On Sun, 9 Jun 2002, Randy Beaudreault wrote:
> I have another thing to look into for you David. How about documents
> on LocalTalk hardware? This isn't such a priority, but it would be
> interesting to see if we could get a NetBSD Mac up as a MacIP router.
You already support the serial hardware, so no amount of documentation
will do you any good. Localtalk is basically impossible in any OS other
than Mac OS. The hardware simply isn't fast enough to keep up with that
much data short of sprinkling calls to a serial poll routine all over your
other drivers like Mac OS does, and I have a feeling that calls to
poll_serial() littering the machine independent parts of the 53c80 driver
would never be accepted into NetBSD.... :-)
David A. Gatwood
Developer Docs Writer
Apple Computer
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