Subject: Re: NetBSD install question - annoying newbie type
To: Cameron Kaiser <>
From: Pat Plummer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/22/2002 11:53:17
On Saturday, June 22, 2002, at 09:58 , Cameron Kaiser wrote:

>> That is an AAUI port. You will need a transceiver to connect that to 
>> your
>> ethernet network. I will almost promise you that no computer store will
>> carry a transceiver for AAUI to anything (it is different than the
>> standard AUI transceivers).
>> And finding an ADB mouse even at a store that sells mac stuff, is going
>> to be difficult. All they seem to sell these days is USB mice.
> Actually, good news on both fronts. CompUSA still sells ADB mice, 
> though at
> confiscatory prices, and so does Fry's (they sell either/both of the
> Kensington or MacALLY mice, which work fine on classic Macs). Fry's also
> regularly carries the AAUI-to-10baseT transceivers, but again the price 
> is
> kind of steep. Still, they continue to be readily available new, and
> they're oozing out of the woodwork at the local swap meets around here.

I'd check ebay -- I got a couple of brand new AAUI transcievers there 
for a song. I suspect you can get an ADB mouse there easily as well.

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