Subject: Re: recent netbsd-INSTALL.gz problem
To: None <>
From: Tom Jernigan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/14/2002 09:00:36
Thanks, I found the new booter on Nigel Pearson's page:

One new question, is 1.5.3 elf also? It wouldn't work with the old 
booter either.

>On Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 06:14 AM, Tom Jernigan wrote:
>>I'm trying to install netBSD 1.6rc1 on my Centris 650
>>From the booter(both 1.11.3 and 1.11.4a3) I get the error message:
>>Boot error: This kernel is not in a format which the booter can execute.
>>This is on netbsd-INSTALL.gz from every day I tried on 
>> get the same message from 1.5.3  and the 
>>20020803-1.6E snapshot on The version with 1.5.2 
>>works ok. What am I doing wrong?
>>Can I use the 1.5.2 version on more recent snapshots and releases?
>>What's the netbsd-INSTALL.symbols.gz file for?
>>I haven't tried the installer etc route. Once you try sysinstall, 
>>it's easy to get addicted to speed.
>>-- Tom Jernigan,  Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
>>Phone (865) 574-1166, FAX (865)574-1191
>You'll need to download the latest version of the Booter.  NetBSD 
>1.6 for the mac68k is in ELF format and the old Booter doesn't 
>recognize that format.  The new Booter does and it also understand 
>the old A.OUT format used in 1.5x.

Tom Jernigan,  Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Phone (865) 574-1166, FAX (865)574-1191