Subject: Re: file system reqmts for 1.6 src tree
To: Bruce ONeel <>
From: Mark E. Perkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/2003 08:10:50
--On Tuesday, December 31, 2002 20:45 +0100 Bruce ONeel
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> a 99% built /usr/src tree for m68k is taking 800 meg right
> now. I'm playing around with getting real software floating
> point into libc.
> The resulting build areas are taking just shy of 150
> meg or so, so even 1 gig might be a bit tight. This is
> building mac68k on macppc.
All of my mac68k systems have integrated FPU, so I would probably build
w/o software FP support.
On a related note, what are the limits on file system size for
NetBSD/mac68k? There used to be some problems with partitions over 1GB.
But re-reading the FAQ, it appears they were related to the MacOS Mkfs
and Installer utilities. Is it safe to create larger partitions under
sysinst? More to the point: is it safe use >1GB partitions under
NetBSD/mac68k? 8^)