Subject: Re: file system reqmts for 1.6 src treeu
To: Mark E. Perkins <>
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/2003 06:07:14
> On a related note, what are the limits on file system size for
> NetBSD/mac68k? There used to be some problems with partitions over 1GB.
> But re-reading the FAQ, it appears they were related to the MacOS Mkfs
> and Installer utilities. Is it safe to create larger partitions under
> sysinst? More to the point: is it safe use >1GB partitions under
> NetBSD/mac68k? 8^)
I have been using a ~2GB partition without any problems as far back as 1.4.2
(IIci, 128MB RAM). Still in use, still works great.
----------------------------- personal page: --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Why is it you can only trust short, dumpy spies? -- Hogan, "Hogan's Heroes"