Subject: pkg_install update
To: MacBSD <>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/15/2003 00:42:46
I removed the whole pkgsrc tree. Downloaded today a fresh pkgsrc.tar.gz
from the official, uncompressed it in /usr
(the rest of the 1.6 sytem is still clean as it came out from sysinst)
now if I login as root from the console of the quadra, go into
and type Make
i get
make: Unclosed variable specification for PKG_TOOLS_BIN
make: Unknown modifier ''
in an endless loop and i am forced to make ctrl-c
now if i login remotely through telnet, as a normal user, aferwards "su"...
i get the same error, but repeated only a dozen of times, afterwards it
begins extracting and linking the packages, up to:
make: Unclosed variable specification for PKG_TOOLS_BIN
make: Unknown modifier ''
===> Configuring for pkg_install-20030111
--mandir=: not found
/man: not found
*** Error code 127
damn! 14 mbytes downloded again for nothing. Any suggestions?