Subject: Re: pkg_install update
To: MacBSD <>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/15/2003 19:01:27
on 1/15/03 4:50 PM, Bjarne B=E4ckstr=F6m at wrote:
> I installed 1.6 on a IIsi some time ago, with no problems whatsoever. I
> didn't read the original posting of this thread, so I don't know what
> problems the OP was facing, though.
I am not able to install any package, since using the current package soruc=
requires the package tools (pkg_install) to be updated. But there trying to
make i get
make: Unclosed variable specification for PKG_TOOLS_BIN
make: Unknown modifier ''
allen suggested looking in a file where PKG_TOOLS_BIN is defined but there
it is defined like in his file.