Subject: ttys and SLIP ?
To: MacBSD <>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/28/2003 23:13:34
I want to attach an LCII which has no ethenet to a quadra through a serial
using plain old slip. Which I think is good and more than enough for what I
need. I don't wnat modems or such things.
The quadra is configured to go to the internet and the rest of the LAN, has
IP xx.14, the default gateway is xx.254
i make
slattach /dev/tty01
ifconfig sl0 inet xx.14 xx.50 on the quadra
then I do the reverse on the LC3
slattach /dev/tty01
ifconfig sl0 inet xx.50 xx.14
this is how it is presented in the Documentation.
Just it doesn't work... ping never reaches the other machine.
Do I miss something important? does the LC3 need further configuration
PS: which of tty00 and tty01 is the printer and which the modem port? I
tried both, but I just want some to refreshen my memory in this moment of