Subject: Re: Gray Screen
To: John Klos <>
From: Emile Schwarz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/07/2003 17:04:07
Hi John et al.

$10 for a 3.6V battery for Macintosh computer (LC in this case) ?

What a lucky guy you are...

My nephew brough one for 30,50 ¬ (nearly same amount of $ by these 
pre-war days *) some month ago here in France (south-east, Grasse, 
near Cannes...)

But, thanks to this list, I too uses the two AA or AAA (depending on 
what was available at home at the time a battery died) trick.


* No, I do not talk about war at all...

John Klos wrote:

>>Both LCII batteries is labeled 3.6V. I tested the battery of the working
>>LCII and I got ~0.770V. The battery of the other indicates ~0.049V. None
>>of the batteries look normal, but the working LCII is fine even with
>>this ~0.770V battery.
>That's pretty dead, even if it does work. Those batteries cost $10 at
>Radio Hack, so I usually buy a battery holder that takes two AAA
>batteries, attach it to the MB with double sided foam tape, and solder the
>wires onto the battery posts. Total cost is less than $3 USD, and the
>batteries last forever.
>John Klos
>Sixgirls Computing Labs