Subject: Re: Netatalk authentication problem from OS X - 8.1 works
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/15/2003 15:47:23
At 9:16 PM -0600 2/13/03, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
>Try using the *netatalk* package. I don't even know why we're still
>keeping the obsolete versions in netatalk-asun and netatalk-umich
>around. A quick look at the home page on SourceForge shows that even
>that package is out-of-date -- they'are at 1.6.0 already -- but 1.5.5
>is probably your best bet. The package you're using was released
>before Darwin was even thought of.
Granted it's more up-to-date, but I thought there was license problem
with the sourceforge stuff. The original was released with a
copyright that didn't allow the GPL modification to the copyright or
Is the sourceforge stuff legal?
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