Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.6 doesn't install on Mac IIci with 4GB HD
To: None <>
From: Pascal BEZOU <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/16/2003 20:29:50
Le 16/02/03 13:35, =AB=A0Pascal BEZOU=A0=BB <> a =E9crit=A0:

> In order to test NetBSD, I launch the traditional method on the Root
> partition only (base, etc and kern-generic packages only), without mounti=
> the other partitions. I will try to mount the other partitions in NetBSD,
> and move the /usr, /var and /home folder on these partitions.
> May I do this easily?

I do it. Don't know if I have break some links, but on NetBSD I mount the
Usr, Var and Home partitions and move the /usr, /var and /home folders in.
Apparently, it works.

The exact procedure is as follow:
1- create a new directory (toto for example)
2- create an entry in the fstab file for the partition
3- mount the partition in toto
4- move the content of the desired folder in toto
5- reboot

Repeat procedure 2 to 5 for each partition.
There is one problem with a log file in the /var/run folder. Just create a
new log file in /toto/run and change the file modes (chmod a=3Drw
/toto/run/log). Don't worry about the "s" file mode.

Is there something wrong with this?