Subject: cross compile and fpu emulation
To: None <>
From: Mattias Sandstrom <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/18/2003 17:39:31

is there a problem with the 68k fpu emulation if you compile the kernel 
on a i386 system, or is the fpu emulation in current (yesterday) broken? 
  it doesn't matter if i'm using the generic config or my own, i still 
get "kernel fpu trap" immediately after the kernel copyright message, 
which sends me to the debugger. i'm trying to compile the same sources 
natively right now, but with the toolchain compile that takes several 
days on my classic II. i'll also try cross building without fpu 
emulation just to see if it boots, even though i probably won't be able 
to run many programs...

here's how i do the cross compile on my i386 1.6 system. am i missing 

cd /usr/src/
./ -T /usr/cross -m mac68k tools
cd sys/arch/mac68k/conf
/usr/cross/bin/nbconfig GENERIC
cd ../compile/GENERIC
/usr/cross/bin/nbmake-mac68k depend
