Subject: Re: Commands in debugger mode
To: <>
From: Pascal BEZOU <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/27/2003 22:35:51
Le 27/02/03 1:20, =AB=A0Bernd Sieker=A0=BB <> a =E9crit=A0:

>> When there is a panic, we enter in debugger mode. But what are the comma=
>> available in this mode. I can't find a link on the web about this.
>> The only command I know is "reboot".
> help gives you a list of commands.

Of course! I tried "?" but not "help" :-(

> The man page ddb(4) describes the commands in more detail.

OK! I tried man db but not man ddb :-((


Pascal BEZOU