Subject: Re: incomplete base install
To: None <>
From: Sheldon Simms <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/28/2003 14:34:57
> The base set does not completely install on my SE/30.
> I get as far as /usr/local/man/cat2 (about 3/4 done?) before getting a
SCSIRead() #5 error.
> When I try to boot NetBSD, some essential things are missing, but I can get
into > single-user mode if I ctrl-c past the terminal type question.
> Is there a way to finish installing the base set in this condition?
I found this post in the recent archives.
I had the same problem and I was able to fully install NetBSD by using cpin
to copy all of the tarballs onto the BSD file system. Then I booted into
single user mode and unpacked all of the tarballs. This method also turned
out to be a lot faster than installing from MacOS.
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