Subject: Re: Pthreads
To: MacBSD <>
From: Riccardo Mottola <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/29/2003 01:37:03
on 6/29/03 1:00 AM, Frederick Bruckman at wrote:
> Not necessarily -- 1.6U/mac68k seems to run fine for me, but then
> I'm not running anything that actually launches separate threads.
gnustep relies on threads
and currently it is a pain (if ever) to have the latest versions work on
NetBSD and OpenBSD. 'pth' is incorrect/incomplete in some parts, and the
native threads have porblem also. That was at least what more expert guys
told me. I see there are packages for gnustep on 1.6.1, i tried installing
them on 1.6 w/o success, so I belive to upgrade anyway, hpoping that upgrade
works. If the guy who patched//worked on gnustep would be to kind and report
the work to the gnustep develoerps, it would be nice. we are trying to get
*BSD support native and currently some guys are getting mad with several
patches when maybe someone here already did the work.