Subject: Re: weirdness solved
To: Larson, Timothy E. <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/13/2003 14:35:30
At 8:50 AM -0500 8/13/03, Larson, Timothy E. wrote:
>Hello everyone...
>I ended up installing only the kernel, base, and etc sets.  That 
>succeeded, and allowed the remainder of the sysinst process to 
>complete.  Including creation of the device files.
>Lesson learned: if a big install doesn't work, try a minimal install 
>before anything else.

Sweet, have fun with the new system :)

>Other than a ncrscsi error when shutting down, things seem A-OK.  I 
>probably need the SBC kernel to fix that.

You'll want to figure out which kernel is best earlier rather than 
later. The damage that is done by using the wrong kernel is 
cumulative (the longer you use it, the more damage is done until it 
no longer boots). I've only ever used Quadras for m68k, so others 
know much more than I do on that though.

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