Subject: Pre-Install Question about Ethernet Card Support on Mac SE/30
To: None <>
From: Barry Skidmore <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/15/2003 19:15:44
I am considering installing NetBSD on my Mac SE/30, and have consulted
the supported hardware section of the installation instructions on the
NetBSD web site.  From what I read there, I am unclear about whether my
Ethernet card is supported.

The card is an internal Ascante MacCon 30si, Revision Alpha-1.1.


I would also appreciate your commenting on what I have in mind for my
partitions.  The system will be installed on a 500 MB internal drive
devoted entirely to NetBSD (I can boot from a floppy).  The main uses of
the system will be: 1) to run a medium-volume mail server with Postfix,
2) to run a mail client to read mail, to run a Usenet news client to
read news, 3) perhaps an ftp server, and 4) to learn NetBSD (I have some
experience with FreeBSD on i386 and with Linux):

      500 MB
/      10 MB
/swap  64 MB (32 MB physical RAM)
/usr  400 MB
/var   10 MB
/tmp   10 MB


Barry Skidmore           | Hobbyist Systems:  | C64/128
                         | Micro PDP-11/23
Red Hat Linux 8.0        | MicroVAX 3100-40
Postfix 1.1.11           | Mac SE/30's