Subject: Re: Re: Daystar Accelerators (Re: fpu trap with current from 2
To: None <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/27/2004 14:18:03
At 1:11 PM -0500 04.1.26, Tim & Alethea wrote:
>Beautiful pictures, beautiful machine. Great job, and thank you for sharing!
Arigatou(thank you very much). I'm glad to know you saw those pages.
>Where do you get the Unix Bench tools? I would like to get my own
>benchmarks before and after I install my accelerator too. I believe it's
>the 50MHz DiiMO but don't hold me to that.
I'm sure you'll find how wonderful your DiiMO is !
If you have pkgsrc, you find "bytebench" and "dhrystone" in pkgsrc/benchmarks.
For quick installation on 1.6.1;
pkg_add (or
I follow the steps in:
>I like the idea of overclocking, but it makes me nervous. How much of
>the power/heat problem do you think was due to the overclocked speed?
I'm an overclocking junkie, but I don't think overclocking is a good idea for
your DiiMO, because it is very fast already, maybe the fastest '030.
Yes, overclocking makes heat problem, so it requires CPU cooling. Cooling
fan is noisy.
For making faster SE/30, using high-speed HDD such as 7,200rpm or more
is a good idea. As you know it makes nice performance.
And also, configuring proper "system" -- for example, partitioning,
mounting options (including mfs) and machine specific kernel -- is good
idea. I don't know many about those, I guess, it might be very interesting.
>Have you tried any X apps? My stock SE/30 is borderline acceptable with
>iceWM and a couple aterm windows open, though the screen is very small.
>X in black and white is...amusing.
I've not installed X on that SE/40. Windowmaker is my favorite,
>X in black and white is...amusing.
me too :)
Kazu Inanaga