Subject: Re: Dumb error locking me out of root
To: None <>
From: James Bilotto <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/04/2004 00:45:45
On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 11:45:17PM -0600, Tim McNamara wrote:
> On Feb 3, 2004, at 9:39 PM, Tom Jernigan wrote:
> >You can try su -m, which uses the shell you're in. I assume it'll work
> >even if the root shell is screwed up.
> No such luck, but thanks for the suggestion. su -m, su -c, etc. all
> complain that there is no such file as "usr/pkg/bin/bash" which, of
> course, I already know. toor is nonfunctional, apparently by default,
> so that option is not available.
> This is becoming vexatious. If "sudo" was present by default, the
> problem would be readily solvable. I think I saw that on the ftp
> server, so I'll have to get that installed.
> I think that this point I'm going to have to kill in the hard way, boot
> into single user mode and fix it from there. I hope I can boot into
> single user mode, that is.
you can try "su root /bin/ksh". maybe it will work