Subject: Re: Asante MCiLC-10T Mac PDS Support?
To: None <>
From: David Hazelton <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/10/2004 23:03:34
Allen Briggs wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 04:37:09PM -0500, Joey C wrote:
>>Here is my connection:
>>Mac/Asante MC* -- Cable Modem
>>There are no routers or hubs.  I have my card connected directly to the cable 
>>modem.  It I put a 10Mbps HUB in, do you think that it would fix my problem 
>>even though I have no other connections to my cable modem (I haven't had the 
>>time to go out and buy a router yet)?
> Did you build/use a cross-over cable?  If not, that could be your
> problem.  Putting in a dumb hub or a router/switch would solve the
> problem, if that's it.  I'm not sure how cable modems are designed,
> but I suspect they don't do auto-crossover.
> -allen
The problem most likely is the 10baseT instead of 100baseT.  Many Cards 
and transeivers came out before 100baseT and therefore the negotiation 
doesn't work.  On most routers and switches you can force 10baseT per 
port for this very reason. This is not a Mac only problem.

most cheap 10baseT hub have a port that is switchable for Cross-over or 
an uplink port. This port should go to the modem and any of the other 
ports can go to the Mac.

~David Hazelton