Subject: Re: pkg_add malfunction
To: None <>
From: Tim McNamara <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/11/2004 17:31:31
On Feb 11, 2004, at 9:22 AM, Kazuyuki Inanaga wrote:
> Hi,
> At 8:39 PM +0000 04.2.10, Tim McNamara wrote:
>> Now that I have Emacs/Gnus up and running under NetBSD/mac68k, I can
>> provide more information about my difficulty. Since pkgsrc seems to
>> be
>> running after using "cd /usr/pkgsrc; cvs update -r netbsd-1-6-1 -dP" I
>> was hoping this would have fixed pkg_add as well. No such luck.
>> Suggestions welcome!
>> [tim ~]$ export
>> PKG_PATH=""
>> [tim ~]$ pkg_add gnome
>> pkg_add: no pkg found for 'gnome', sorry.
> How about $ pkg_add gnome---1.2.2.tgz ?
Thanks! Well, that downloaded the file and unpacked into a couple of
files. Looked like libraries, maybe. There was some kind of .conf
file for sound (esnd pehaps?) and something else which I didn't
recognize. However, the docs for pkg_add suggest that only the name of
the package should be necessary and not the version information, to get
the most up-to-date versions of what's available on the server. Yet
that doesn't happen on my system, nor does it seem to properly fetch
dependencies. Perhaps I am misunderstanding something or have
overlooked some obvious configuration issue.