Subject: Re: duo 230 panic
To: Shane Madden <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/26/2004 00:40:44
When "if_netdock_nubus.c" was committed to the tree in Jun 2002, I was
a tester for Asante NetDock with Takeo Kuwata.
CVS log for src/sys/arch/mac68k/nubus/if_netdock_nubus.c
>Revision 1.1 , Wed Jun 19 01:54:28 2002 UTC by itojun
>netdock* - ethernet driver for Asante NetDock/Newer Ether MicroDock.
>by Daishi Kato <>
>test/stabilization by Takeo Kuwata <>
I've forgot the details already. I remember I have some Duo specific kernels
which are made by Daishi Kato and Takeo Kuwata including instkernels.
I can put some of them on my web site if you like to test.
For Duo support, we need FPE and "if_netdock_nubus.c".
Bruce ONeel and I are going to make '030 FPE kernel(s). I hope it will work
on Duos with ethernet minidock.
Let's make 1.6.1 (or -current) kernels for Duo, together :)
Kazu Inanaga
At 10:21 PM -0700 04.2.24, Shane Madden wrote:
>Ok, I'm trying to install netbsd on a pimped out duo 230 (24 mb ram,
>350 mb hd, ethernet minidock, the works ;) ) and when I run the booter
>I get the message:
>panic: cnopen: cn_tab->cn_dev == NODEV
>Now, there are records of this error in the list archives, with one
>specific reference (strangely, the oldest entry) of success, stating
>that the problem is due to the video not being recognized. This is at
> . Indeed
>this is the case as there is nothing recognizing video during the boot.
> It says that a version of daishi kato's kernel works. I can't find a
>copy for the life of me and all the links are dead. It was stated
>somewhere that those fixes were worked into the generic kernel at
>version 1.5. This is obviously not the case as the duo 230 is still
>listed as having unsupported video. By the way I'm using kernel
>version 1.5.. not that this should make a difference, the problem that
>was solved and forgotten about way back when is still listed as being a
>problem today. Any help is greatly appreciated..