Subject: Re: Sysinst 1.6.2 DOES work on PB 150 ;-)
To: Bruce ONeel <>
From: Kazuyuki Inanaga <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/20/2004 14:12:46

I forgot to delete unnecessary option "VNODE_OP NOINlLNE" in my conf
file 'INST030FPE'. It makes Error Stop in build process, sorry.
Now it is corrected.

At 1:36 AM +0900 04.3.20, Kazuyuki Inanaga wrote:
>Yes, Sysinst 1.6.2(INST030FPE) DOES work now on PB165 with
>DaynaPORT SCSI/Link-T + PB165.

Sorry again for silly mistyping.

Yes, Sysinst 1.6.2 (INST030FPE) DOES work now on PB165 with
DaynaPORT SCSI/Link-T.

Procedure for 030FPE (with dse*)

I use NetBSD/i386 box for Cross building.
It has /usr/src, /usr/obj, /usr/dest and /usr/tools.

1.- set ftp server (on your AMD 200)
      {1} vipw (add)
            ftp::9001:39::0:0:Anonymous FTP:/ftp:/dev/null

      {2} mkdir /ftp
      {3} chmod 775 /ftp
      {4} cd /ftp
      {5} mkdir bin etc pub
      {6} chmod 111 bin etc
      {7} chmod 777 pub
      {8} chown ftp pub
      {9} cp /bin/ls bin
      {10} mkdir /ftp/pub/030FPE

      {11} vi /etc/ftpd.conf
            umask all 022
            umask guest 002

      {12} vi /etc/inetd.conf
            ftp  stream  tcp  nowait root  /usr/libexec/ftpd       ftpd -ll

2.- mkdir /root/162src
      cd /root/162src
      ftp get gnusrc.tgz, sharesrc.tgz, src.tgz and syssrc.tgz

      get fpe-softfloat-20040313-1.6.2.tar.gz

      get if_dse.c.gz

3.- cd /
      tar xzpf /root/162src/gnusrc.tgz and other .tgz files.
      tar xvzf /root/162src/fpe-softfloat-20040313-1.6.2.tar.gz

4.- cd /root/162src
      gunzip if_dse.c.gz
      cp if_dse.c /usr/src/sys/dev/scsipi

5.- cd /usr/src/sys/dev/scsipi ; ls
      vi files.scsipi

6.- cd /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/conf ; ls
      vi 030FPE and INST030FPE
            add 'options BUFCACHE=value' in INST030FPE

7.- vi /etc/mk.conf

8.- cd /usr/src
      ./ -u -U -m mac68k -T /usr/tools -D /usr/dest -R /ftp/pub/030FPE

9.- cd /ftp/pub/030FPE/binary/sets ; ls
      mv kern-GENERIC.tgz kern-GENERIC.tgz-keep
      mv kern-030FPE.tgz kern-GENERIC.tgz

On your Mac (PB150)

1.- ftp get netbsd-INST030FPE.gz from pub/030FPE/installation/instkernel

2.- boot netbsd-INST030FPE.gz with Booter2.0.0 as usual

     Select medium "a: ftp"
     host: IP address of your ftp server
     directory: pub/030FPE/binary/sets

At 10:41 AM +0100 04.3.19, Gerardo Alvarez wrote:
>     5.- Also, I would like to know what is the procedure to setup SCSI
>          LInk under BSD, once it is running.

Sysinst does networking setup if you select "medium  a: ftp". (^^)
Try ifconfig -a, ping and ftp get, put.

If you select "c: Re-install sets ... " in the NetBSD-1.6.2 Install System,
keep your kernel before the installation.

     cd /
     mv netbsd netbsd-GENERIC

If new kernel doesn't boot up unfortunately;

1.- boot netbsd-INST030FPE.gz
2.- select "e: Utility menu"
3.- select "a: run bin/sh" in NetBSD-1.6.2 Utilities

4.- # mount /dev/wd0a(sd0a) /mnt
5.- # cd /mnt
6.- # ls -l
7.- # mv netbsd netbsd-bad (rm netbsd)
      # mv netbsd-GENERIC netbsd
8.- # cd /
9.- # umount /mnt
10.- # exit

11.- select "x: exit"
12.- select "d: Reboot the computer"

If boot process is going to single user mode;

1.- # mount -u -w /
     (# mount /usr)
2.- # export TERM=vt220
3.- # vi /etc/rc.conf
4.- # exit


Good luck!
Kazu Inanaga