Subject: Beta 2.0 build
To: None <>
From: Bruce O'Neel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/19/2004 14:16:21
There is a Beta 2.0 build from the Apr 17 tar snapshots at
This seems to work, ie, it boots and it hasn't crashed for the first
hour I've used it. Thanks to John Klos for the CPU, disk space and
network bandwidth!
I've not built X11 this time. It takes too long and I'm continuing to
use the X11 tar files from 1.6.2 since they take both less disk space
and less physical memory.
Someone mentioned the idea of ColorX being included in 2.0. I think
that would be fine with everyone, except that the author of the code
can't be located and therefore can't agree to the license. Is this a
correct summary of the problem?
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