Subject: re: q610 versus MacIIsi and LC3
To: '' <>
From: Schwerzmann, Stephan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/26/2004 10:18:47
>Hello, my Q610 with netbsd 1.6.2 gave up his spirit.
>After the "bong" I get the "sad mac sound" immediatly
>and no video output to read a possible code.
>Removing all ram, vram, disks, etc, did not help.
you did not mention the PRAM battery - did you try
to put in a fresh one?
I've more than once seen Macs not remembering they
were Macs (e.g. not even the startup "boing" was
hearable) and I could "resurrect" them simply with a
new PRAM Battery